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Paint Can Storage Rack

I’m always looking for ways to improve the use of the space I have in my very small garage. One headache I’ve been dealing with is my ever-growing collection of aerosol cans in my garage. I have a collection of paints, adhesives, automotive lubricants, brake cleaner, and more!

I turned to Pinterest for ideas and found this very helpful Instructable by user awillybilly. From his post I designed my own, mostly built with scrap I had around. It was a pretty simple project so I only have a picture of the pieces cut up and the finished product!

After installing it and filling it up though I discovered two things… One, I had more cans than I realized during my initial garage survey… Two, the space to the left and right really isn’t wide enough to be very useful. I might make another one of these in the not-too-distant future than would be 4 cans wider which would give me a capacity of 60 cans rather than 36. Time will tell.

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2 years ago

Great drawing! Makes it so easy to understand. I believe that I will have to double it also, I have a lot of cans in my shop. This would also be a good design for storing calking tubes with a little modification in shelf distance. Good job!